About me
Vinyasa Yoga is all about breath.
I started my Yoga journey when I was about 18 years old. As most of us, I took a few drop In courses once in while, did some Youtube Yoga at home and I felt that Yoga has an effect on my mind and body.
I felt clear, happy and … at home.
It was fun to take courses but there was something deeper. What lies behind all these Yoga poses and motivational quotes on instagram and why does it work? What is Yoga, actually?
To get an answer to these questions, I began a Vinyasa Yoga teacher training at Yogainsel (yoga island) with Adrienn Sümeg in Würzburg, Germany in 2020. She is a well educated Yogi and among others a student of Indra Mohan. Adrienn was able to guide me to a deeper understanding of what Yoga really is and it blew my mind to be honest.
It changed my life.
But there is still so much to learn. Last year, I took online courses in Pranayama (breathing techniques) as well as Yoga and Anxiety at Svastha Yoga and I am already planning the next steps in my Yoga journey.
Never stop being curious, never stop learning.
My Yoga education:
2023: Yin Yang Yoga Teacher Training (50 h) - Module 2: Wings - Upper Body and Yang - with Kathy Páez
2022: Ego, Personality and Self - Yoga Therapy, Svastha Yoga
2022: Yoga and Emotions: Transcending Fear, Svastha Yoga,
2021: Pranayama: Ujjayi, Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Svastha Yoga,
2020-2021: Yinyasa Yoga Teacher Training (200 h), Yogainsel Würzburg with Adrienn Sümeg

„Teach what is appropriate for the individual“
– Sri T. Krishnamacharya